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强烈地震发生之前出现的宏观异常现象是否与地震相关是一个重要的研究题目。根据雅安市2008~2013年收集到的宏观现象调查资料进行归纳和分析,统计结果显示:雅安市的宏观现象出现后在一定范围发生M≥4级以上地震的对应比率仅占3%,这说明宏观现象与地震发生之间的关系和收集宏观现象的方式需进一步探索。  相似文献   
Mineral weathering and element cycling in soil-microorganism-plant system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil is an essential part of the critical zone,and soil-microbe-plant system serves as a key link among lithosphere,biosphere,atmosphere and hydrosphere.As one of the habitats with the richest biodiversity,soil plays a critical role in element biogeochemistry on the earth surface(weathered crust).Here we review the soil biological processes that are relevant to mineral weathering,element cycling,and transformation,with an emphasis on rock weathering mediated by soil microbes,plant root and the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
The geographical distribution of dominant plant species in China was georeferenced and climatic variables were interpolated into all grids.Accordingly,the percentage distributions of principal pollen taxa based on 1860 surface pollen sites in China were selected and the related climate values were interpolated with the same method. The geographical and climatic comparison between the two data-sets indicated that the climate threshold of most pollen taxa from surface pollen is coherent with plant distributions. The climatic envelopes of dominant plant are mostly accordant with those of pollen taxa at certain levels. However, some distinct offsets of the climate ranges exist between the two datasets for most pollen taxa identified at family level, such as Ericaceae,Asteraceae, Poaceae and Chenopodiaceae. The present study provides for the first time rich information on temperature and precipitation in relation to pollen and plant distribution based on the datasets on a continental scale useful for global ecological modeling and Quaternary palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   
This study investigated oasis evolution and the changes of peripheral desert in the Sangong River Basin since the 1950s by rebuilding seven land cover maps derived from black-and-white aerial photographs (1958, 1968, and 1978), a color-infrared aerial photograph (1987), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery (1998), Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT) imagery (2004), and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) imagery (2014). The results showed that: (1) Since 1950, the oasis consecutively expanded more than four times from an alluvial fan to an alluvial plain, causing the shrinkage of desert landscapes that were dominated by a Haloxylon ammodendron Bunge community (HBC) and a Tamarix chinensis Lour community (TLC). Furthermore, the primary (1958–1968) and final (2004–2014) stages were the most important periods, during which agricultural land experienced the most rapid expansion during the period 1958–1968, and the built-up area showed the most rapid expansion after the 2000s. (2) Two basic management modes, a “local mode” formed by the local governments and a “farm management mode” developed by Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, together promoted oasis evolution under various land-use and landcover (LULC) stages. (3) The evolution of the modern oasis during the 1950s–2004 showed the general features of an arid oasis, while during the period of 2004–2014 it was characterized by a large-scale inter-basin water diversion or the import of new water sources. (4) The oasis expanded at the expense of desert vegetation, resulting in distinct variation in the structure of the desert plant community, which will make it more difficult to protect the desert ecosystem.  相似文献   
干旱区是对气候变化较敏感的特殊而重要的地理单元,研究干旱区的土壤呼吸及其影响因素对于深入理解全球碳循环具有极其重要的意义.根据2006年5~10月对准噶尔盆地西北缘梭梭、假木贼、盐穗木等三种主要荒漠植物群落的土壤呼吸速率及主要环境因子的逐月监测资料,分析了梭梭、假木贼、盐穗木等群落土壤呼吸速率的差异及对温度、土壤含水量变化的响应.结果表明:这三种荒漠植物群落土壤呼吸速率日变化随温度升高而上升,日动态均呈单峰型特征,最高值皆出现在14:00,最低值出现在早晨8:00,土壤呼吸速率最大值出现时间提前于气温最高值出现的时间.三种植物群落土壤呼吸速率的月变化特征具有一致性,呈现单峰曲线,与近地面气温的变化趋势基本一致.在植物生长季,按平均土壤CO2释放速率、季节变幅大小排序为:梭梭群落假木贼群落盐穗木群落,群落间土壤呼吸速率差异显著,群落内不同季节土壤呼吸速率差异不显著.假木贼和盐穗木群落土壤呼吸速率日变化与近地面气温、地表温度和5 cm土壤温度具有极显著相关性,与10 cm土壤温度具有显著相关性,拟和关系均符合三项式函数关系(P<0.01).梭梭和盐穗木群落与20~30 cm、30~40 cm层土壤含水量呈显著相关水平.  相似文献   
以雅鲁藏布大峡谷的羚牛为主要研究对象,讨论其牙齿珐琅质羟基磷灰石结构碳酸盐的碳、氧同位素组成与生活环境之间的关系。羚牛牙齿的碳同位素组成分布范围相当宽,且随着栖息地海拔高度的增加而变重,反映了食谱中C4植物从无到有、由少到多的变化趋势。C4植物含量最高可能达到70%。这一变化与当地自然带的划分相吻合。羚牛牙齿珐琅质结构碳酸盐的δ18O值分布范围较窄,与海拔高度之间没有明显的相关性。氧同位素分馏可能与水源和物种均有关。  相似文献   
采用对比样方调查法对武夷山旅游区内的武夷宫、大红袍、龙川瀑布和天游峰4个典型景区灌木林物种多样性指数、均匀度和丰富度指数、植被盖度及根系生物量等指标进行了调查与分析,并对旅游活动对灌木林的影响机理进行了探讨.结果表明:旅游活动对景区灌木林物种多样性指数具有显著影响(Shannon-weiner均匀度指数除外),对林下根系生物量虽有影响,但影响不显著.干扰区的灌木林物种多样性指数、盖度、总根系及细根生物量均小于非干扰区.4景区灌木林的干扰变化率依次为:物种多样性指数为武夷宫>天游峰>龙川瀑布>大红袍,盖度为大红袍>武夷宫>天游峰>龙川瀑布.总根系生物量为天游峰>大红袍>龙川瀑布>武夷宫,细根生物量为天游峰>龙川瀑布>武夷宫>大红袍.  相似文献   
四川锦屏落水洞岩溶地下水示踪   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
在岩溶水文地质调查的基础上,进行钼酸铵示踪试验。结果显示,落水洞沟水在落水洞附近进入地下含水层后,沿T2z / T1 岩层接触边界或断层( F6- F9)分成两股,一股向东排向磨房沟东大理岩地下水排泄带,另一股向南转西南、西北分别排向景峰桥- 牛圈坪沟段西雅砻江河床。磨房沟泉流域地下水向西袭夺造成该流域西部地表、地下分水岭不一致。而西雅砻江示踪段构造裂隙发育,地下水主要沿具有双重含水介质(稀疏裂隙和少量岩溶管道)的大理岩流动,天然条件下地下水流动缓慢。其中的局部大型溶蚀裂隙或串珠状溶洞成为主要地下水储水空间,其疏干性突水对工程施工有一定影响。   相似文献   
荒漠河岸植被的受损过程与受损机理分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以塔里木河多年平均地下水位数据为依据,将地下水位划分为6个环境梯度,各梯度上6次重复采集植被样地数据。从物种多样性、植被盖度与群落类型等几方面分析了植被的受损过程,以及导致此过程的受损机理。结果表明:(1) 草本植物丰富度受损发生在地下水埋深大于4 m,而木本植物丰富度受损发生在地下水埋深大于8 m。(2) 植被盖度减少始于草本植物盖度受损,与群落多样性受损的临界地下水位相同,发生在地下水埋深大于4 m;在地下水埋深大于6 m之后,植被盖度不断减少则是由木本植物盖度的减少所引起。(3) 群落类型受损体现在芦苇群落和胡杨林群落的结构与类型变化上,芦苇群落的衰退演变出现了优势种的更替,而胡杨林群落中优势种的优势地位没有变化。(4) 此受损过程是由荒漠河岸生态系统脆弱的生态基质和外界干扰共同作用的结果,起因于人口的增加、需求的增长。植被退化是人类干扰作用于植被赖以生存的环境主导因子所致。在生态受损过程中,植物功能型差异与所承受的干扰强度差异对植被退化的程度有一定影响。  相似文献   
机械防沙体系防沙功能的衰退过程   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
作为一种十分有效的防治流沙的方法,机械防沙体系在防止风沙前移显示出很大的优越性,其目的就是要把流沙滞留在体系内,体系在发挥其功能的同时也是逐步丧失其功能的过程。在平坦地形条件下,草方格沙障积沙是从前沿向纵深发展的。在复杂地形地貌条件下,流沙的堆积具有不平衡性,且积沙形式多样。无论积沙形式如何,都有整体向前推进的趋势。阻沙栅栏的积沙形式因材料及孔隙度的大小而异,阻沙栅栏在初期时,可以拦截较多的沙量(75%),草方格固沙带只承担25%的积沙量,随着时间推移,阻沙栅栏的效益逐渐降低,草方格固沙带则要承担较多的积沙量。从阻滞的沙量来看,一道栅栏阻拦的沙量至少等于40行草方格滞留的沙量,在工程实践中应优先考虑栅栏的应用。  相似文献   
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